Tuesday 27 January 2015

When People Invade...

We all need them.
Many of us find it a challenge to exercise them.

I'm having one of those days.
One where the kids just Will.Not.Stop.
They want everything, fight everything and generally treat me like a villain because I won't let them eat desert without dinner or stay up and watch movies. What's worse than people pressing in on you, trying your patience?
Letting them get inside your head.

At least that's my problem. It's not just kids, its anyone. Family, friends, even sales people calling me on my own phone! You see I have this really, really bad problem called self doubt.

It's a tricky one to have because sometimes it feels like self-awareness. Sometimes it feels like grace. Sometimes it feels like loving my neighbour more than myself. But you know what? Its not. When it comes down to it, more often than not, I give in because I'm afraid.
I'm afraid you will judge me.
I'm afraid you won't like me.
I'm afraid you'll think I'm inferior or incapable or inadequate or unkind.
And worst of all, I'm afraid that I'll believe you.

For so many years I have allowed other people's opinions and criticisms to draw the boundary line around my own behaviours. I have pushed myself beyond healthy limit. Accommodated clingy, needy attitudes that have sucked me dry. And not stood up for myself when I really should have.

But you know what I'm slowly learning? If I don't draw a boundary, someone else will. And before you know it, you might find that - like me - you have surrendered an awful lot of real estate in your own life. Or worse still, within your own mind.

People are not our enemy, but the real enemy can use their attitudes and unfair criticisms to keep us bound; to keep us from being who we are really supposed to be. Don't confuse Christian charity for giving in. Saying yes when it should be no is not helpful to anyone. It's not healthy for yourself and its not healthy for the person who just might need to hear that no.

I've decided its time to reclaim a little bit of land back.
Will you join me?

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