Saturday 9 May 2015

The Invisible Work of Mothering

'Lord, this is the hardest season of my life.'

These are the words uttered in earnest as I sit on the edge of my freshly made bed, sipping lukewarm coffee. The faint sound of worship music floats in from the lounge room, punctuated by the electronic quack of a game my son is playing on the iPad.
It is quiet time.
That blessed hour of the day where children are encouraged to play quiet activities and mum pretty much breaks her neck getting to the refuge of her bedroom for a few sweet moments of solitude.

I am reminded of the story of Susannah Wesley, mother of Jonathan and Charles Wesley, who, as the mother of nineteen children at the turn of the century, would seek solace under her apron! She would pull the fabric over her head at various points during the day. This was her prayer time. Her rest and refill time and the children knew not to interrupt her during these moments! No doubt, it was these times of refreshment that got her through the day.

In Matthew 11:28, 29 Jesus offers this invitation to those who feel hard pressed.
'Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]
Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest, relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.' (Amplified version)

Look at these blissful words for one moment, would you?
Blessed quiet

I can think of few other candidates in desperate need of this kind of rest as mothers! Whether you are single or married, raising one or nineteen, mothering is a hard task! It requires superhuman energy, saintly patience and creativity to boot. Some days it feels like you're not even going to make it through to bedtime.

Jesus' offer of ease, relief and refreshment stands like an oasis in a desert.
Lately, I am learning just how much I need to rely on Him for the strength I need to get through the day. I am also becoming increasingly aware of the fact that we are made to thrive, not just survive.

My children are not babies any more.
They are growing more independent. Still, I am in a rough season. Moving away from excessive worry and reasoning into the peace of trust. Jesus words are just the relief I crave. It requires work on my part.
I need to go to Him.
Like Susannah with her apron over her head, I find it necessary to take regular, five minute breaks to readjust my perspective, to wait on God for the strength I need for the next task.
I pray, 'Father, let me see my children as you see them. Let me love them as you love them.'
I ask for strength and I submit myself to Him. And you know what happens?
I find His creativity and His strength infuses me.
He shows me new way through and over obstacles. He recharges my batteries and fills my heart with new love and mercy toward my kids.

Without regular provision from God, these difficult seasons become mountainous.
With His help, we find that we develop the muscles we need to navigate the terrain.

As I confided in God today, 'Father, this is my hardest season.' An answer came back to me.
I realised that this is my hardest season because I am sowing a precious crop. There is a time coming when the harvest will spread far and wide. Now, it is a season of toil. Digging up the dirt, plucking out the weeds, pressing the seeds deep and low in the bowels of the earth.

So much of mothering is invisible work. Behind closed doors and late nights. We aren't even sure we are sowing into our kids life. Are we doing it right? Will they turn out ok?
Father God encourages us as only He can.

Keep sowing. Keep working. Keep trusting in His process. As we commit our lives and children to Him, He does that magic, underground work. The seeds crack open and the delicate tendrils of new life push their way to the surface of the earth. He brings the sun, the rain and strengthens the life. He will bring a plentiful harvest.

Be encouraged, tired mums. Sow and rest. Hope and wait. Times of great blessing are ahead.

'And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.' Galatians 6:9

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