Friday 27 November 2015

Our Moods are Not the Litmus for Truth

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Our moods are not always accurate measures of reality. We have those days when things seem too hard. Life seems to roll over us wave after wave and its easy to feel that things will never be ok. In that moment, we can lose our hope and when we lose our hope, the day becomes that much harder.

On hard days, we might tell ourselves things like, 'things are never going to get better.' 'I won't be able to find the solution to what I'm facing.' 'I can't do this.' 'I just can't cope.' These messages, repeated over and over in our minds weaken us. We believe they are true and our emotions respond accordingly. We feel depressed. Pessimistic. Anxious. Overwhelmed. From this position, our circumstances seem even more bleak. It's an understandable cycle and an easy habit to get into. But are our emotions an accurate measure of reality? Just because I am feeling overwhelmed and out of solutions today does that mean that I really will not find a solution? That I will be perpetually stuck in the middle of the problem I am facing?

If one thing is certain in life, it is change. Nothing last forever. For God's children, we have the promise that when we cry out, God hears us and delivers us out of all our troubles. Not only that, but we have the assurance that all things are working for our good. The trials we are finding so difficult can be pillars of strength, forging faith and confidence within us as we press into God and trust Him.

And how do we do this?

We have to teach ourselves how to think. We must hold each thought up to the truth of what God says. If the thought or emotion conflicts with something that God has revealed to you, you need to reject it and replace it with His truth. This is what God talks of when He tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Following God's advice to reject those negative, depressing and untruthful thoughts and replacing them with His comforting, hopeful ones is the fastest way to mental health and emotional stability. His truths are a splint for your minds and your emotions. But it takes practice. What we choose to think on will feed our emotions. Choose good food.

Here are some of the promises of God that can encourage you on hard days. Use them. Choose them. Believe them. Bring to memory those times when God has come through for you. Meditate on them and let their truth uplift you. It will be life to your body and health to your bones.

- God hears you when you cry out and promises to bring you out of all your troubles (Psalm 34:17)

- Goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life (Psalm 23:6)

- God is going to work all things together for your good, even the hard things (Romans 8:28)

- God is moved with compassion by the difficulties you are facing (Psalm 112:4)

- You are growing strong by that which comes against you: growing in perseverance, character and hope (Romans 5:3,4)

- He will strengthen you as you wait on Him (Isaiah 40:31)

These encouraging truths are just scratching the tip of the iceberg of all the promises of God toward us. Try doing a keyword search in a Bible website like this one. Are you feeling hopeless? Do a search on hope and see what God has to say. Are you sick? Search for healing and see the Lord's opinion on it. Train yourselves to these truths. Be encouraged by the hope that lies in them. These are your measure of reality, not your emotions, and by them, you will grow strong, able to face the challenges that come your way.

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